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Leadership Styles You Need To Master

As a Manager or Leave It Alone

Joaquim M.
5 min readJan 24, 2024


Have you ever wondered why conflict occurs in your team or why your employees complain?

This is something all managers know about and have been struggling with in their line of work. The reason why this is happening can easily be explained by scientific research and how the human brains work.

So let me explain why you need to master Task and Relationship management so that you will be loved or leave that line of work behind you.

Leadership Style #1: Task management

Experts show that employees want a task-oriented leadership style to thrive as employees.

I will explain task management in three ways and why employees and people love it.

Explanation 1: Maslows need hierarchy

This comes back to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs that he presented back in 1943.

The first three levels are the ones to pay attention to.

  1. Physical needs — Access to toilets, food, water, and sex. This is regulated by your Hypothalamus.
  2. Physical safety — You need to feel safe as a team member within the group. This comes back to Honesty & Humility.



Joaquim M.

8000+ Professional Hours Evaluating People. I write about Human Psychology encompassing both Cognitive and Personality Psychology 🧠. Website: