Why We Always Create ……..
War and Conflict
You might have noticed that the world circles back to war with some sort of frequency.
This earth has experienced two world wars in the last 100 years. Many think we are on the brink of World War Three in the coming years. Might there be something to everyone's fears and might those fears be the very thing that creates wars intentionally?
I think the human feeling of anxiety is the culprit due to it facilitating everything to slowly grow and in the end happen.
I will tell you why!
What is Anxiety?
Lesson #1: Where Emotions Reside In You
Anxiety or Avoidance, as it’s also known, is an emotion located in the Ventricle Medial Hypothalamus (vMH).
It sits just above the emotion or state where the body gets paralysed which we call freeze. Freeze sits just above the 3000 neurons regulating aggression.
All three are within the vMH which looks more like the fruit “pear”.
The avoidance in the top narrower part.
Lesson #2: Only One Emotion At A Time
Experts say that a normal human can only experience One emotional state at any given time.
At the same time indicating that violent rapists most likely have a brain defect since you can‘t be sexually aroused and aggressive at the same time.
Those are two separate emotions or states.
Lesson #3: The Default Emotion
By accident, they found that when the rat was being provoked to be aggressive. They did this by shining blue light directly at the 3000 neurons regulating aggression. The rats ran away 9 times out of 10. Only one rat became aggressive.
The reason for the other 9 running aways was the virus they tainted the aggression neurons with also tainted the Avoiding neurons.
The conclusion was that it looks like we are coded biologically to avoid conflict at any given time.
So Avoidance is the default emotion. It might not come as a surprise since there is always a risk of physical aggression or any aggression if you are caught and the other party retaliates.
What are Dark Tetrad and Evil Personalities
Lesson #1: Personality tests
These types of personalities are Psychopathic, Machiavellian, Narcissistic, and Sadistic.
You identify them with approximately 50% probability using the HEXACO model or Big 6 personality test.
It is the sixth personality trait of Honesty & Humility that holds the key to identifying any one person having sub-clinical pathologies within these four mental pathologies.
Lesson #2: Key Identifiers of Dark Tetrad Personalities
- Low Affective Empathy
- No remorse
- Enjoys inflicting pain on others
- Takes unnecessary risk with low or no reward
- Callousness
- Greedy
- Deceitful
- Aggressive
For such an individual to do these things he seeks power or higher social status.
What is Greed-Avoidance?
Lesson #1: How To Understand Social Status
Normally men seek higher social status to gain access to women who seek it. In 1989 David M. Buss showed in “Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypothese tested in 37 coultures” That women value resource acquisition more so than men.
And reproductive capacity more by men than women.
“Men seek younger women with symmetrical faces and women seek older men with money or the potential to earn money.”
Lesson #2: How to spot them Dark Personalities
In the case of Dark Tetrad Personalities, they are low in Greed- Avoidance which shows up as:
- Well dressed
- Nice car
- Expensive clothes or handbags
- Luxurious vacation
- The expensive house in a pricy neighborhood.
Managerial positions or positions of power are ideal positions for these Dark Tetrad Personality types.
Therefore, the majority of experts always write in their conclusions to TEST EVERYONE before hiring them or putting them on a soccer team.
Because the detrimental effect of hiring a Dark Tetrad Personality will ruin your company reputation or team and YOU!
Experts show that narcissists will stay quiet until they get into a position of POWER. Only then do they start getting rid of the opposition within the company or team?
That might be YOU!
Who Uses Revenge?
Many do not react much when this happens and are naive about it. But you need to know these fundamental scientific facts about revenge.
Lesson #1: Normal People
Revenge is NOT something normal people do!
Recall that the science supports that Avoiding is the NORMAL thing to do when given more than revenge as a choice.
Lesson #2: Narcissists
Narcissists seek revenge if you cause any damage to their social status or reputation in public. Just as a psychopath.
You should also know that narcissism is not a permanent condition and that it looks like it is more a choice the individual is making.
Lesson #3: Psychopath
Psychopath seeks revenge immediately.
Lesson #4: Sadistic
Of course, you can by now see the Sadism in Retaliation and Revenge.
That is why SADISM is not a diagnosis on its own. But part of each of the pathologies within the Dark Tetrad Personality.
The level of Sadism for each pathology is as follows:
- Narcissism
- Psychopathy
- Machiavellian
War Is Coming!
As you can see.
Normal people avoid conflict. Even in a company.
This means that it is fairly easy for Dark Tetrad Personality to get into powerful positions just as a manager or politician. Since normal people will avoid their malicious nature when strategizing and moving into power. Normal people will never stop them on the way to power.
Once in POWER.
They start CANCELING those who OPPOSE or THREATEN their social status and power.
So it should be fairly easy for you to see how inevitable war is due to human biology.
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