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Why We Always Create ……..

War and Conflict

Joaquim M.
4 min readJan 9, 2024


You might have noticed that the world circles back to war with some sort of frequency.

This earth has experienced two world wars in the last 100 years. Many think we are on the brink of World War Three in the coming years. Might there be something to everyone's fears and might those fears be the very thing that creates wars intentionally?

I think the human feeling of anxiety is the culprit due to it facilitating everything to slowly grow and in the end happen.

I will tell you why!

What is Anxiety?

Lesson #1: Where Emotions Reside In You

Anxiety or Avoidance, as it’s also known, is an emotion located in the Ventricle Medial Hypothalamus (vMH).

It sits just above the emotion or state where the body gets paralysed which we call freeze. Freeze sits just above the 3000 neurons regulating aggression.

All three are within the vMH which looks more like the fruit “pear”.

The avoidance in the top narrower part.

Lesson #2: Only One Emotion At A Time

Experts say that a normal human can only experience One emotional state at any given time.



Joaquim M.

8000+ Professional Hours Evaluating People. I write about Human Psychology encompassing both Cognitive and Personality Psychology 🧠. Website: