How To Understand How You Think About Men and Women

Joaquim M.
5 min readAug 31, 2024

You might think that you see men and women the same way.

I am here to tell you that you do not and why that is.

I will show you evidence of:

  • Why courts sentence women and men differently.
  • Why men are looked upon as perpetrators
  • Why women are looked upon as victims
  • Why relationships work the way they do.
  • Why media portray men as less worthy than women.

Unfortunately many don’t want to hear this because it goes against their human biases or mental model of their world.

The brain hates to change because it wants to survive

As neuroscientist Rachelle Summers so eloquently explains.

  • The first piece of information you hear will form your mental model, and it’s called Priming.
  • You filter out and put less emphasis on all other information.
  • The brain is conserving energy and trying to survive.
  • You can’t reason your way out of a dangerous situation; instead, you act.

Why is it hard to change someone’s mind ? Here’s neuroscientist Rachelle Summers explaining in detail the concepts behind this 🧠 📹 : rachelle_summers_



Joaquim M.

8000+ Professional Hours Evaluating People. I write about Human Psychology encompassing both Cognitive and Personality Psychology 🧠. Website: