Do Men Really Like Dating Down in Social Status?
Firstly — Men are Men and NOT Women!
I got this great question from Alana Beth who read my article;
It is a great question to ask because it is curious and inquisitive.
As I would say she is by the way she writes and by her own accord.
Through questions we can learn new things about others and different subjects because no one is like us which Alana Beth clearly points out she does. She is doing her own research with a different angle to write an article about the same topic.
So please go read that one when it comes out.
I just want to state that even if this article is about male preference in women. It is also an article to show how your human bias will mislead you every time you think.
It is extremely hard to work agains one's human biases.
Cognitive Psychology and UX Design
I am a User Experience Designer and Copywriter and that is what you are reading me do now.
I write to give you a great user experience in learning new things.
I am on Medium doing UX Research becasue that is my profession.
Within UX research I do user testing with products, prototypes, wireframes when I am a US Designer on a digital product.
To know what I am doing and how to interpret humans and their way of interacting during the tests.
I need to understand human behaviour and what goes on inside their brain.
That is called Cognitive Psychology.
Subjective data
Humans are social animals and the way we are social is through communication.
We speak to one another.
The spoken words is about 13% of all human communication.
The written words makes up around 7% of human communication and that is why people get upset easy because it is very hard to communicate good through text.
Humans communicate mainly through body language which makes up the rest of 80%.
Let's get back to the 13% spoken communication.
Something most people are not aware of is that what someone speaks is no truth to anything and here is why.
When you speak your spoken words.
They are pre-validated by three subsystems in the brain.
The first one makes sure you say things that will keep you safe and social.
Maslows third level of love and belonging comes into play here.
I recommend you go through the categories to see how people answer empirically without social pressure.
Depending who you talk to that system gives you freedom to articulate certain words.
But then there is another system checking the system that checks what you are saying.
Yes there is a third system checking the second system so that you stay social and do not accidentally say something anti social getting you killed.
That is why it is so important to react accordingly to callous individuals since is the central symptom of psychopathy.
They are excited about the dangerous that follows of living on the edge.
The purpose of me stating this is that when you are trying to validate things if they are true or not by asking your friends what they think.
They will never ever tell you the truth. You can read the science done by Solomon Asch during the 50’s for more clarity how we lie to accommodate the group thinking.
You will base your mental model of the world based on social language that is trying to stay safe and not get canceled.
The Scientific Method
The Scientific Method has a particular way of approaching any given testing senario in order to be as little human bias and highest replicability.
It is highly important that any empirical data can be retested by many different researchers as to falsify its findings.
It is important to note that science falsifies empirical data.
The Scientific Method never claims it being the absolut truth.
Science indicates something is not randomly observed so that other researchers with their biases can do the same test to further reject a hypothesis.
You never accept a hypothesis.
You always reject or show there is a significance in the empirical data that shows what is observed is not random.
Science always debunks a lot of research which is a good thing.
But if your friend has piloted a plane and flown around the world in one constant trajectory to end up where he or she started.
Then maybe you can believe him or her on their spoken word.
Same with if you put your hand in water.
It gets wet.
The next question would be what do you mean by wet and so on?
A great book to read about how to empirically validate an emotion like aggression in a human and in animals please read.
“The Nature of The Breast” by David J. Anderson.
Never ever use YOURSELF as a reference
The first mistake people make is use themselves as the template when trying to understand their partner or others.
Using yourself only goes to show that you think you are SIMPLE when I know you are COMPLEX.
There are literally 16 677 181 699 670 000 types of different personalities in humans on this earth.
Then ad 0–80 different levels of empathy and different combination of cognitive and affective empathy.
Then ad the differences in male and female brains.
The likelihood that any other individual having your combination of the above traits is zero to none!
Men have a different brain than women
If men have different brains than women.
Why would they not work differently than women?
Men have goal oriented brains that makes them want to reversal-engineering everything all the time in order to understand it.
Even with the woman's problem and that is the NORMAL male brain.
It is as NORMAL for a man to think like this as it is for a woman to remember everything the man did since the dawn of time when cyanobacteria was the only living thing on earth.
Or that she have a much better object location memory in the household.
Men have lower empathy on average than women.
So a man does not identify emotions like a woman does.
Therefore he can’t respond with a correct emotion that a woman might expect.
Because a NORMAL man does not have high empathy and is more likely to be autistic than a woman.
Men navigate in large spaces much better therefore you will find men thinking about a travel route days before the journey starts.
He is mapping it in his head and preparing.
He does this in the city as well to avoid traffic and traffic lights.
He screams at other drivers because they put him and his family in danger.
That scares every driver and thus you see them angry behind the wheel.
A NORMAL man can’t stop doing that since it is innate.
A NORMAL man always looks for danger just like a woman does when he goes out or when his family members are outside.
Because a NORMAL man protects his family and that is also innate.
Sexual attraction
Women prefer men with broad shoulders because the woman and her children can hide behind those shoulders as well as be carried, needs be, by those shoulders.
That is why the Y-shaped man is more attractive to women across the globe.
Men see that as a man and not a woman so he is therefore not attracted to that shape of a woman.
Men are literally attracted to women with a hip to waist ratio of 0.72 in poorer countries and 0.7 or lower in affluent countries.
Sierra Skye is a great example of a lingerie and bikini model.
Just take a tape measure on the screen and measure her hips at the widest and then her hips. Then devide and see why you find her attractive.
It is pure maths.
Check out Ari Durgarte in Spain. 0.7 with a dress on.
The first model in this video has a 0.63 ratio.
Feel what happens inside you when you see her shapes as she is the very definition of a woman mathematically speaking.
Even the hieroglyphs in Egypt have the same ratio of 0.7 of their women.
You see, men are not attracted to what women are attracted by even if a woman will feel the attraction to these women as well.
This is because women change sexuality over her lifetime.
Men stay the same from puberty to the day they die.
Women who emigrate adapt to new sexual norms in the country she emigrates to.
Men do not change their sexuality even if it is culturally.
That is why you see men from middle east and Africa raping western women because they do not change their behaviour regardless of what you hope for.
You can read more science about that religion here.
Liberal women need to understand that.
Both women and men gaze on women’s chest especially if the woman has a large chest.
Both genders do that.
Men, because it indicates woman and fertility.
Women, because women compete ruthlessly within the same sex.
It is called intra sexual competition.
Women know how they look in comparison to all the women in the neighbourhood.
Because she needs to know her mate value in comparison to the other women.
Men could not care less about other men beside how many single men that are out there poaching or acting as a feminisitic man by being a “sneaky fucker”.
Do you know why this button is attractive?
Just like the women I showed you above.
The corners of this button have a 0.7 ratio.
More precisely 16 pixels in coding terms.
Look at cars these day.
Rounded sexy corners with an emotion (smile).
Go to YouTube and look at their design of everything.
Late 2023 they understood they had to go from 1980’s rough edges to round and sexy design.
Testosterone and Estrogen
During puberty testosterone develop the jaw in both men and women. It builds muscles and shoulders.
But estrogen blocks testosterone from developing a broad jaw in women and that is why smaller faces and narrower jaws on women are attractive.
Large jaw is manly.
Estrogen blocks the development of the shoulders in women during puberty.
That is why a slender upper body is attractive in a woman.
Estrogen deposits fat around the hips in women during puberty and thus the 0.7 ratio in women.
Women are not attracted to a man with slender and narrow jaw or narrow and small shoulders or a hip to waist ratio of 0.7 now are they?
Your personality gets you into trouble every time
I will not cover personality in this article but you can watch everything you or everyone should know and understand about humans in my videos.
But I am going to explain the fifth personality trait of openness to exploration.
This trait gives you the ability to think abstractly.
That means that the higher you are in this trait the easier you understand other peoples perspectives and point of view.
That is why research finds that the best police officers, sales and marketing employees are below medium in this trait since they should not have the ability to think abstractly or they will question what they do.
Yes this is the time when you should be frightened and it explains why totalitarian states are so dangerous.
Professors and any artist including some of you that write on Medium are high in openness to exploration.
You need to be high in this trait to understand the value of DEI.
But to accept DEI in the workplace you need to be a woman or man with a female personality since the agreeableness trait accepts diversity in the workplace.
Did I get your attention now?
Do Men Really Like Dating Down in Social Status?
Yes we do because normal men only gather resources to provide for attracting a woman and to make sure she and the children survive.
Society and the Rockefeller family once said (not verified) that if you get the woman out into the labour market you can tax two people and not only one.
If you add feminism you can make more women divorce.
Whoopi and then you need more houses and apartments and double the things in all divorced families.
They couldn't care less about the damage to peoples children.
They can make money of psychiatrist that way.
Imagine the GDP increase and what dividends that pays out to the elite.
But those are most likely Dark Tetrad men and women that seek that level of money.
I was a sales manager and sales coach in my younger years.
When the sales man or woman said he or she wanted to make a ceratin amount of money.
I always told them it is a bad goal to have.
You see money is nothing that drives people that are normal and high greed-avoidance.
Only dark tetrad personalities are low in greed-avoidance.
They are motivated by money.
People high in greed-avoidance will shy away from women that seek high social status.
I am one of those normal men.
Normal Men Date Down in Social Status
Because there is no internal conflict in that relationship.
There is no competition over the provider role.
There is no power struggle in that relationship tearing the relationship apart.
Men love women that are attractive, loving and nurturing.
Because the nurturing trait in the woman signals GOOD MOTHER and no conflict!
If you can’t show the man you are a nurturing person.
What makes you think he trust you will be nurturing with his children?
Imagine sitting in an interview telling the manager that you do not have to prove anything to him or her and that they should just believe you and give you the job.
I think they will show you the door very quickly just like a man will.
A lower status woman does not have a career to maintain and will have more time with the children.
She will be more relaxed and less neurotic since she is not stressed out.
She will have less miscarriages since she will not smell other men after fertilisation.
As it turns out my mother told me that the Bruce effect is valid and they have gotten the go ahead to run a causality study which is huge in science.
She had 7 miscarriages before me.
But I was conceived during a weekend when she was at home the whole weekend.
Do not try and fool mother nature and her beautiful biology.
Mother nature does not care about Feminism, Taxes and Socialism.
Mother nature only cares about procreation and making beautiful little amazing babies 😉.
If you think otherwise then I am sorry on your behalf and that is why DEI and Feminism is doomed to fail in the long run.
The biological reason why men date down in social status is because human women are the only mammal on earth that does not show when she is ovulating. All other mammals show the male they can get pregnant.
That has most likely formed human males to be attracted to younger and therefore probably more fertile women.
By creating a biological strategy of being subconsciously attracted to younger women.
Men maximises their chance of creating offspring or small cute little babies by being attracted by younger women.
The symmetry factor between right and left side of the body and face in women is explained by moving more effortless.
It saves energy and increases the chances of the babies to survive and therefore men are attracted by it.
I’m grateful for your support!
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